February Spotlight Artist
Pieces of Ghazaleh
Some people live a simple life. They experience ordinary things. Getting an education, finding a job, getting married and perhaps starting a family are their ultimate challenges in life. Then there is a second group of people who thrive on challenges and the evolution of their inner self. Ghazale Baniahmad, undoubtedly, is from the second group.
My friendship with Ghazaleh began in art school in Iran. Unlike many other art students in our class, she was restless and never settled on becoming a graphic designer. In spite of being a gifted student, she was always seeking other aspects of art as if she was looking for lost pieces of herself. “I felt limited expressing myself through graphic design,” she says. Ghazaleh has always welcomed life’s challenges, even in the harshest of situations, because for her, being an artist is to observe yourself, mentally and physically, in order to achieve a level of self-awareness that can be translated into an artistic language.
In her latest series, “Machine Washed Images”, she focuses on her very personal experiences that create sympathy and compassion. It seems as if she eventually found all those lost pieces she sought and impressively put them together as an astonishing set of collages. “I’d like to be able to talk with an international audience. My work contains personal feelings, yet I do not doubt that there is universality to them. I’d like to see how successful I am in conveying and transferring my ideas to the viewer.” Ghazaleh’s distinctive artistic language is fearless and confident yet tender and poetic. This makes her a perfect participant for the 7500 Miles project. I’m delighted to present her art in the 7500 Miles online gallery and believe that the viewers will admire her work and will support this promising artist on her path to success.